Safety Tips for Traveling with Pets
It’s hard to believe that we’re already well into the heart of the summer travel season. If you still have an upcoming trip scheduled and plan to take your pets, then continue reading to make sure your whole family – furry members included – can enjoy your time away.

6 Travel Safety Tips for Pets

1. Have the Right Documents
If you’ll be crossing state lines, visiting another country, or traveling on public transportation, your pet will require documents certifying his or her health. This might include vaccination records and/or a certified pet health certificate.
Take a look at local laws and airport regulations well before your departure date to be sure your pet has what they need to travel freely.
2. Make Sure Your Pet’s Protected
Depending on where you’re traveling, your pet could potentially be exposed to different contagious diseases and/or parasites than they are exposed to at home. Before leaving, talk with one of our veterinarians about whether your pet should have any additional vaccinations or parasite preventatives before traveling to a new region.
3. Schedule Travel Breaks
If you’ll be hitting the road with your dog or cat as your co-pilot, be sure to leave yourself plenty of travel time that allows you to take frequent breaks to let your pet stretch out and mark some new territory…if you know what we mean.
4. Map Out Emergency Veterinary Care
Health emergencies can happen when you least expect them. Before you leave, research the locations of emergency veterinary clinics along your travel route and at your destination so you’ll be ready in case your pet requires immediate veterinary care.
5. Pack for Your Pet
Make a checklist to ensure you pack everything your pet needs. Bring plenty of water and food (more than you think you need) for the road, medications, extra leashes, and your pet’s favorite blanket, toy, or bed to reduce anxiety.
6. Update ID Tags and Get a Microchip
In unfamiliar places, pets can easily get scared and run away, quickly becoming disoriented and lost. Make sure your pet’s collar and ID tags have current, readable information. Additionally, you should get a microchip for your pet (and register your contact information with it before you leave).

Schedule a Pre-Trip Appointment at Animal Wellness Center
To make sure your pet has all the necessary identification, vaccinations, parasite preventatives, and health certificates to stay safe and travel to your destination, we encourage you to schedule a veterinary appointment well before the date of your departure.
Our veterinarians at Animal Wellness Center will make sure your pets have everything they need before you’re ready to leave.