How to Care for a Senior Pet During Adopt a Senior Pet Month
Senior pets are just as fun and loveable as their younger counterparts, and with the right care, they can enjoy many more years of good health and happy times with their families. November is National Adopt a Senior Pet Month, and we’re using the opportunity to encourage people to adopt senior pets out of animal shelters while also educating them on some of the specific care needs that senior pets require.

6 Tips for Caring for a Senior Pet

1. Know When Your Pet Is a Senior
When your pet is considered a senior depends on its species and breed. Typically, cats and smaller dogs are considered seniors at age 10-11. Larger dogs are considered seniors at age 6.
2. Schedule More Frequent Checkups
We recommend biannual checkups for senior pets. This enables us to detect age-related health problems as soon as they arise so that we can begin treatment and management to slow the progression and improve your pet’s quality of life right away.
3. Request a Health Screening
It’s usually customary to run routine laboratory tests on senior pets. The results of bloodwork, urinalysis, and fecal testing can help us detect the earliest signs of disease.
4. Adjust Your Pet’s Diet
As pets age, their nutritional needs change. They typically require fewer calories and can benefit from a diet that contains nutrients designed to help address a variety of age-related concerns.
5. Modify Exercise
Elderly pets still need to stay active, but they often can’t continue the same type or level of activities they enjoyed when they were younger. We recommend swimming and going for more frequent, shorter walks rather than long treks.
6. Create a Comfortable Environment
Senior pets often suffer from joint problems such as arthritis. You can make them much more comfortable by providing elevated food and water bowls, an ergonomic pet bed, and stairs onto the bed, sofa, or into your car.

Senior Pet Appointments in Wisconsin
At Animal Wellness Center in Wisconsin, we provide highly personalized care to each of our patients. We tailor the care they receive and our recommendations based on the patient’s breed, health history, lifestyle, and age to ensure our patients have the best chance at living a long and happy life. To learn more about caring for a senior pet or to establish your new pet’s care with one of our veterinarians, we welcome you to contact our office today.